Our partners – Transport

Our partners – Transport

agt-agency for global transport

agt-agency for global transport

Founded in 2004, agt – agency for global transport – as part of the “Hamburg-CityTours” group of companies – is one of Germany’s leading service providers in the field of passenger transport management and implements orders both in Germany and throughout Europe with the highest level of customer satisfaction. As a descendant of “Rainbow Tours”, it is the many years of experience that make up the company’s unique service. agt employs around 70 qualified staff at its Hamburg headquarters, which is why the company can draw on extensive know-how and always offer optimal industry-specific solutions.

In addition to its wide range of services, agt – agency for global transport is characterised by its extensive fleet of vehicles. Starting with limousines, vans and minibuses, midi and long-distance coaches as well as XL long-distance buses and double-deckers are part of the vehicle fleet. Parallel to these vehicles, these versions are offered with luxurious interiors. The vehicle fleet is rounded off by special rarities such as vintage buses, American Schoolbuses, but also convertible double-deckers, nightliners (tour buses) and armoured limousines.

Through the partnership with PAS – Professional Aviation Solutions GmbH, agt´s fleet has now been expanded to include a special means of transport: the aircraft or private jet. This cooperation is of great importance for agt – agency for global transport, as it further develops both companies into all-rounders in the mobility industry!

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